Other Ways to Give
The Fresh Air Fund unlocks the limitless potential of thousands of New York City children annually through transformative summer experiences and year-round programs, but we can’t do it without your help.
Your donation today will help make summer last a lifetime for thousands of New York City children.
For general inquiries about making a donation, please send your question to development@freshair.org.
Make a donation onlineClick to explore these options:
Please call 800-367-0003 to make a gift by phone.
If you prefer to pay by check, please use our printable donation form. Make the payment out to The Fresh Air Fund and mail to:
The Fresh Air Fund
633 Third Avenue, 14th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Wire Transfers
To send a gift via wire or ACH transfer, please call 212-897-8910 or email development@freshair.org so we may share our bank instructions with you.
Make a monthly donation
Become a Fresh Air Trailblazer today and join our most caring group of supporters! Making a monthly donation online is quick and easy, allowing you to manage your gift yourself while supporting programs all year round. Make your gift monthly by donating online.
Honor and Memorial Gifts
We welcome donations in honor of birthdays, anniversaries or other celebrations, or to recognize the memory of friends, family or loved ones. By donating online, you can send your loved one a message letting them know about the gift made in their name.
Donor Advised Funds
Through your donor advised fund, you can recommend the size and frequency of a gift to support our programs. To recommend a grant, contact your financial institution and please notify us at 212-897-8910 or development@freshair.org.
Stocks and Appreciated Securities
Gifts of stock and appreciated securities offer a great opportunity to support The Fresh Air Fund providing mutual benefits for both you and our organization. We receive the full value of the stock gift while you can avoid paying capital gains tax. For information on making gift of stock, please contact Elizabeth Portland at 212-897-8910 or eportland@freshair.org.
IRA Charitable Rollovers
If you meet the minimum age for a required minimum distribution, you may direct up to $100,000 total tax-free per year from your IRA to The Fresh Air Fund or other charities, avoiding income subject to taxation. Please consult your tax advisor for more information on this type of gift.
Leave a Legacy
Many of our donors have remembered The Fresh Air Fund in their long-term financial plans. These gifts provide important support to Fresh Air and can provide tax savings for you. After you have provided for your loved ones, please consider leaving this meaningful legacy in support of NYC children. We have partnered with FreeWill to make it easy to write a will. Click here to access an online tool that will allow you to write a legal will free of charge.
For additional question, please contact Elizabeth Portland at 212-897-8910 or eportland@freshair.org.