My favorite memory is definitely last summer when I scored the winning touchdown. We play lots of sports at camp like baseball, basketball and football. I really like science too.

Carlton, 15, Camp Tommy

It’s really cool to see a different way of living. That’s why my mom sent me – she wants me to be able to have new experiences. I was nervous my first year, but now I love going back. I get to see all of my friends.

Keyana, 12, Friendly Towns

My host family travels a lot. We get to go on fun trips, like hiking, and swimming at the water park. We also play a lot in the backyard.

Nicholas, 11, Friendly Towns

When I’m at camp, I’m the best version of myself. Camp has taught me how to focus and how to accomplish my goals.

Karlette, 16, Camp ABC, Former Camper and Counselor-In-Training

Over 60 Countries of origin are represented and 21 different languages are spoken at home.

Over 65% of first-time participants were away from New York City overnight for the first time.

I was a dreamer, and The Fresh Air Fund helped me to realize that dream. Fresh Air taught me to step outside the comfort zone of my own neighborhood. My host family didn’t have a lot, but they had enough to share and embraced me into their family. They taught me the meaning of wealth is what you do, not what you own. They loved me, and I loved them back.

June Ambrose, Friendly Towns Alum and Fresh Air Fund Board Member

I’m proud to say I’ve been a part of The Fresh Air Fund for most of my life. I have had the opportunity to make loving family connections, learn new skills and expand my awareness of the world and its possibilities.

Alexis De La Rosa, Friendly Towns Alum

I have fantastic childhood memories, have received a great education and been exposed to new experiences and opportunities. And most importantly I’ve been given the gift of a second family. I am forever grateful.

Benji Nwachukwu, Friendly Towns Alum

Without The Fresh Air Fund, I’m not sure that I would have gone to college. I was connected with mentors who helped me every step of the way. My mentors stayed in touch and even helped me to network and find my first job. Now I’m a mentor. It has been such a rewarding experience to give back. The students remind me so much of myself.

Gaumisha Jean-Paul, Career Awareness Program Alum and Fresh Air Volunteer