Top Five Study Tips from Students

The Tutoring program is part of The Fresh Air Fund’s year-round Career Awareness Program (CAP) designed to support New York City students with their academic goals and career exploration. The curriculum focuses on building specific skills including goal setting, public speaking, problem solving and conflict resolution. Students are paired with volunteer mentors and meet weekly.
We recently asked students and their volunteer mentors in the Tutoring program about study tips, and they shared their top five:
Find a Quiet Place
Sometimes, the most difficult part of studying are the distractions. It’s important to find an area where you will be able to stay focused. This can be studying at a library or simply putting your phone on silent or away.
Time Management
Keep up to date with deadlines and prioritize what is going to be due first and the importance of the exam by organizing your exam schedules. This will keep you on track and can allow time for flexibility in case your schedule changes. It is easy to overload with schoolwork but planning and preparation can help avoid stress.
It Starts in the Classroom
Studying really starts in the classroom by taking thorough and specific notes that will help you understand the material when you are studying. Remember that note taking can be fun! You can be creative by trying different colored pens or highlighters – pictures and colors can be a helpful tool when remembering material.
Sometimes the most effective way to remember what you are studying is through repetition. A common tactic is using flash cards – it’s especially helpful when preparing for multiple exams in different subjects. Flash cards allow you to summarize and write brief points that help you remember material.
Create a List
We talked about the importance of managing time. Now, the next step is simply creating a list. This is useful when dividing larger tasks into smaller manageable projects.
Learn more about Camp Mariah and the Career Awareness Program.