Portrait Of Summer: What Does Summer Mean to You?

At The Fresh Air Fund, summer is a special time full of fun, new experiences, new friends and new adventures!
We recently launched a new community art project, Portrait of Summer, asking our Fresh Air community to share what summer means to them and have been so excited to see the colorful drawings, incredible paintings and even created digital art that has been submitted.
Harold, 16 from the Bronx

Shandra Woworuntu, Fresh Air parent

Painted on 8/4/2021 at the Fresh Air Family Wellness program.
“Children safely explore The Fresh Air Fund campsite. Nicholas, my 14 years old loved to hike when he was younger and he felt this camp was giving him confidence and comfort to do everything. The power of your kindness through the counselors and nature changed him to become a person who wants to explore everything.”
Soledad, 9 from Brooklyn

Andy, 5 from Brooklyn

Ayesha, 7 from Queens

Alanna, 6 from Brooklyn

We want to know what summer means to you! Submit your own original drawing, painting or digital art to portraitofsummer@freshair.org!
Stay connected with The Fresh Air Fund – follow us on Instagram: @thefreshairfund, Twitter @FreshAirFund and Facebook: @FreshAirFund to see what’s next for #PortraitofSummer – it may be your art!