Meet Mia: Dancer, Leader & College Connections Program Student

Turning Dance into Dreams
Teaching dance classes at The Fresh Air Fund’s Camp Anita Bliss Coler (ABC) and learning about the wide variety of post-secondary opportunities through The Fund’s College Connections Program (CCP) are what inspired Mia, 17, to want to pursue a career in physical or occupational therapy. “My legacy at Camp ABC is as a dancer. I taught a dance class where I was able to grow and share my skills with new people.”

Being guided and mentored by camp counselors, instructors and volunteer mentors solidified Mia’s goal of wanting a career focused on helping others. “If somebody needs help, I will drop everything I’m doing at that moment and help them because that’s the type of person I am.”
She shared that being a Counselor-in-Training (CIT) and role model for new campers at Camp ABC, helped her learn the importance of community. CCP workshops and meeting mentors who worked in a range of career fields introduced Mia to career possibilities that directly correspond with her strengths and interests. “Physical or occupational therapy is my plan A, but if I can’t do that, then I’ll study Human Services or Communications.”

CCP is a Family Tradition
It was Mia’s sister Zarifa, an alum of Camp Mariah and CCP, who encouraged her to join the College Connections Program and start planning for college and beyond. “Joining CCP is a family tradition. My sister went to CCP and her positive experiences caught my interest. Being familiar with the people who help run the program from my time at camp also encouraged me to join,” Mia shared.

While Camp ABC showed Mia how to disconnect from technology, enjoy nature and express herself through dance, CCP taught her valuable life lessons and resources her peers don’t have access to. “CCP put me ahead of most people my age. When my teachers bring up topics around applying to college or the college experience, I already know the lessons because of CCP.”
Mentoring sessions helped Mia develop crucial skills like time-management and organization. “I learned how to balance my social life with school and what habits are needed for when I enter college. I’ve also learned how to be a better communicator and leader as well as being more open-minded,” Mia said. CCP staff and volunteer mentors also helped Mia complete college essays and create a resume. Mia even wrote part of her college essay about her experiences at camp!
Building a Support Network

“Every moment this year at CCP has been a favorite memory of mine,” Mia said. “My group has grown closer this year. We have each other’s numbers and social media where we text and talk about college or our future plans. If one of us misses a CCP session, we catch each other up on the lesson we learned that week.”

Mia is excited about what the future holds and is ready to apply her lessons from CCP to future opportunities.
“I’m thinking about applying to work at Camp ABC again but this time as a general counselor. I am so happy that I was able to get this experience and opportunity because without it, I don’t think I would have met many people that I consider to be my friends today or learned the lessons I need to succeed in college.”