5 Transferable Camp Skills for the Classroom

It’s time to trade in your camp gear for notebooks because back-to-school season has officially begun! As students transition from spending their days at camp to their new classrooms, they take valuable camp lessons with them. Here are five skills campers learned that will be helpful this school year!
1. Building friendships

Making new friends is a key component of attending one of The Fresh Air Fund’s sleepaway camps. Through participating in activities together and cabin time, campers make lasting connections with their peers.
“I really like how we get to meet new people at camp and interact with them because I’m not that good at socializing, so I get to improve on that here! Every year, I make new friends at camp.” shares David, 14, a camper at Mariah.
By spending time with fellow campers, children strengthen interpersonal skills and prepare to enter this school year with more confidence in making new friends.
2. Trying new things

Camp is full of fun activities, many of which are new experiences for most campers. This summer, campers engaged in first-time activities such as climbing on the high ropes course, aiming arrows in archery, kayaking and fishing in the lake. These experiences offer youth a chance to try new things and overcome their fears.
“I tell other kids to not be afraid to try new things. You might have your mind set that this isn’t for you then you do it and have a whole new perspective,” shares Naziah,14, a camper at Tommy. “Like me with these high ropes, I was telling myself that I couldn’t do that then I did it and now I want to do it again.”
Through these new challenges at camp, children learn that trying is the most important part of approaching new things. And that they may have to try something new multiple times! With this growth mindset, students can achieve anything!
2. Learning to take responsibility

If it’s helping a friend or helping set-up during mealtimes, there are various opportunities for campers to take on more responsibilities.
“I’m helping the counselors in my cabin more. I learned how to be more responsible and more of a team player,” shares Kemar, 15, a camper at Tommy.
These experiences will help campers be better prepared for completing school assignments, staying organized and working with others in the classroom.
4. Developing creative expression

From art to music to dance, campers learn new ways to express their creativity. By experimenting with different art forms, they can use their imagination to express themselves.
“My art teacher taught me how to draw better because I had no idea how to. He would pass out papers with drawings so we could have some inspiration,” shares Kimora, 15, a camper at Mariah.
During an art activity at Camp Hidden Valley, campers used their art skills to creatively express their favorite camp memory. With this skill, students’ imagination will shine through their art!
5. Adapting to change

Camp is many children’s first time away from home! They encounter new daily routines and activities. By spending two weeks at camp, children experience adapting to their new environment and learn ways to be independent.
“You might miss your family at first, but you are going to have fun! We have so many activities like swimming and painting. Camp is just a really good experience to have.” shares Melany, a first-time camper at Hidden Valley.
With these newfound skills, campers are ready for this school year with new tools to help them learn and thrive in a new classroom!
Even though summer has ended it does not mean learning new skills has too! The Fresh Air Fund offers a range of enrichment programs that provide students with support during the school year.
Learn more about our year-round enrichment programs here!